Whale Watching In Los Cabos – a phenomenal opportunity to get up close and personal with these magnificent mammals.

Whale Watching In Los Cabos – a phenomenal opportunity to get up close and personal with these magnificent mammals.
Besides El Arco, the famous rock formation at Land’s End, one of the most spectacular sights to see in Los Cabos are the whales frolicking about in the sparkling waters of the Baja.
From spouting in order to signify their presence, to full body breaching where they rocket out of the water, to slapping their tails or flukes, a close encounter with these incredible creatures is definitely something everyone should experience.
Every fall, Gray, Blue, and Humpback Whales migrate approximately 6,000 miles from Alaska to breed and give birth in the warm and shallow waters of the Baja California Peninsula. There are numerous tour companies that offer all types of whale watching excursions and there is something for everyone.
You can get a glimpse of these living treasures of the sea for as little as $45 or as much as a few hundred dollars. Although the whales are the main attraction in Cabo, other amazing species such as sea lions, bottlenose dolphins, sea turtles, and sometimes even giant manta rays are often spotted during your tour. Most recently, sightings of a rare albino whale swimming with her calf have been caught on camera….how incredible is that?
If you’ve ever dreamed of experiencing the thrill of seeing whales in the the wild and are in Los Cabos from December to March do not miss out!
Please Contact us today at ThompsonEvent.com we’ll be happy to help you reserve the trip for your group!
By: Kristin Klaus